Dec 12, 2022Liked by Sheila Taylor

This is such a remarkable idea, Sheila! I love the thought of joy as a radical resistance to the awfulness of the world.

Also, I so hope for you that ECT helps or that some other way your depression lifts. I'm sorry you so often have to slog through it.

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Thanks! The idea of joy as resistance is something that has really gotten me thinking.

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Dec 13, 2022Liked by Sheila Taylor

I’ve loved the idea of joy as radical resistance for a few years now. And your post had me thinking about Julian of Norwich even before you brought her up!

Mostly, though, I hear everything you’re saying about how hard life is for you right now, and I mourn with you in that even as I also rejoice with your rejoicing. Gaudete!

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Ahh, Julian. Always good to bring her to mind! Thanks, friend.

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Dec 16, 2022Liked by Sheila Taylor

Sheila-- I just wanted you to know you have an "in the darkest pit" colleague-- that for over 50 of my 71 years, depression has been a more or less my constant companion. Numerous counseling and group therapies, medications, several episodes of suicidal thoughts, made me feel that the Psalm "De profundis" was written especially for me! The demons of isolation, hopelessness are so overwhelming, knowing the world holds even greater horrors, leads only to feelings of guilt and unworthiness. Why would God (or anyone else?) pay attention? Thank you for sharing your journey-- there always IS God's light in the darkest corner. At this moment-- it is you. Millie

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Thank you so much, Millie. And I'm so sorry that you've been haunted by this particular demon for so long as well. Solidarity and love!

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